
LambethSW2 1EG51.45931-0.117273Highways Act 19802024-03-152024-04-10TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk457953464346



[NOTE: This Notice is about proposed changes to waiting, loading, and parking place restrictions in Elm Park, Leander Road and Ostade Road, the introduction of one-way working and an at any time restricted parking zone in Elm Park, between Leander Road and Cranster Road, and to construct new road humps in Elm Park, Leander Road and Ostade Road. Objections or other comments may be made – see paragraph 4.]

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth (“the Council”) proposes to introduce:-

(a) One-way working on:-

(i) Elm Park, south-eastward between the western boundary of No. 79 Elm Park and the western kerb-line of Craster Road;

(ii) Ostade Road, north-eastward from the south-western kerb-line of Elm Park south-westward for 10 metres.

(b) a banned left turn on Ostade Road except for bycycles into Elm Park.

(c) a prohibition of entry from Cranster Road into Elm Park, and from Elm Park into Ostade Road.

(d) introduce an at any time restricted parking zone on Elm Park from a point 1 metre south-east of the common boundary of Nos. 75 and 77 Elm Park, south-eastward to the common boundary of Nos. 103 and 105 Elm Park.

(e) Amendments to waiting, loading, and parking place restrictions on Elm Park, Leander Road and Ostade Road.

(f) under section 90A of the Highways Act 1980, to construct a new flat-top road hump known as a “raised entry treatment” in:-

(i) Elm Park; from a point 1 metre south-east of the common boundary of Nos. 75 and 77 Elm Park, south-eastward to the common boundary of Nos. 103 and 105 Elm Park including the gradient;

(ii) Leander Road, from a point 0.9 metres south-west of the property line of Elm Park to the junction of Elm Park including the gradient;

(iii) Ostade Road; from the junction of Elm Park south-westward for 10 metres including the gradient.

[A road hump known as a “speed table” or “raised entry treatment” is an elevated section of carriageway that is no more than 100 millimetres higher than the existing carriageway, and which has a flat top that extends across the full width of the carriageway from kerb to kerb, so that the flat top of the speed table or raised entry treatment and the adjoining footways form a continuous surface.]

2. The proposals are necessary to reduce traffic volumes across the neighbourhood and to deliver improved air quality, improved safety, and create street spaces where people can socialise and play, while preserving motor vehicle access so residents and local businesses can use cars and vans when needed.

3. A copy of the proposed Order and the deposited plan giving detailed particulars about them are available for online at: https://streets.appyway.com/lambeth or www.lambeth.gov.uk/traffic-management-orders or at the offices of Lambeth Council’s Parking and Enforcement Group (Parking, Network Management & Fleet.), 3rd Floor, Civic Centre, 6 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1EG, between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on bank/public holidays), until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Orders are made or, as the case may be, the Council decides not to make the Orders. To arrange inspection please telephone 020 7926 0179 or email: Trafficorders@lambeth.gov.uk.

4. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Orders must be in writing and should be sent to Roddy Williams, Parking and Enforcement Group (Parking, Network Management & Fleet), London Borough of Lambeth, PO Box 80771, London, SW29QQ or they can be submitted through https://streets.appyway.com/lambeth or by email to TMOReps@lambeth.gov.uk. All objections must be received by close of business on 10 April 2024 and specify the grounds on which they are made. Any objection may be communicated to, or be seen by, other persons who may have an interest in this matter.

Dated 15 March 2024

Ben Stevens, Highways Network Manager