
WiltshireBA14 8JN51.317054-2.210473SP2 9BX51.080193-1.819927HIGHWAYS ACT 19802024-04-182024-05-022024-06-03TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk461600064385

Wiltshire Council


Notice is hereby given that Wiltshire Council intends to make application to the Magistrates’ Court sitting at Wilton Road, Salisbury on 3 June 2024 from 2pm for an Order stopping-up a section of highway on the ground that it is unnecessary for public use. The application relates to Highway adjacent to 64 Wellington Way, Salisbury Wiltshire SP2 9BX. The section measures approximately 12.5 metres long, with a maximum width of 3.2 metres. ,

A copy of this notice and an application plan may be obtained from – and any queries directed to - Mr. Gale of Legal Services on tel. no. (01225) 718023. Alternatively, the plan may be inspected free of charge by prior arrangement with Mr. Gale at County Hall, Trowbridge, during normal office hours.

Any person who has been served with notice, any person who uses the highway or any other person who would be aggrieved by the making of the Order may attend or write to the court and make their objections or representations known. If they have not already done so, such persons are also requested to give notice in writing to the Solicitor to the Council, quoting the reference 142532. The address is: Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8JN.

Perry Holmes, Solicitor to the Council, County Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8JN

18 April 2024