Road Traffic Acts

Tower HamletsE1 0HJ51.513273-0.042973Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Traffic Management Act 20042024-06-272024-07-01TSO (The Stationery Office),

London Borough of Tower Hamlets


1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets on the 27th of June 2024 made the above-mentioned Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic Management Act 2004 (as amended)

2. The effect of these orders is as follows:

PTO 2195 (Fern Street/Devons Road):

(a) Fern street:

(i) To remove the one-way restriction on Fern Street from a point 37m from the west kerb line of Devons Road for 85m; (ii) To extend in a western direction by approx. 4.5m, the permanent and experimental (zone operational times) prohibition of motor vehicles zone outside the Clara Grant Primary School – exemption permit identifier ‘S18’; and (iii) Convert all the existing single yellow lines into double yellow lines.

Note: all the existing / proposed parking bays (on the south side) of Fern Street as mentioned below will be part inset into the footway.

(iv) Opposite the Lincoln Hall Preschool, on the south side, changes to the existing shared use (Permit & Pay by Phone) parking bay by – a) extending the bay by 5m at its eastern end, by removing the buildout and single yellow line; and b) splitting it into four separate parking bays each of 10m,14m,19m and 17.4m, with three insertions of 2m each for dropped kerb access with double yellow lines; (v) by removing the buildouts on both sides, east of Sleaford House, extend the double yellow lines by 5m in an easterly direction; (vi) Outside Sleaford House (the existing resident parking bay) – a) extend in a westerly direction by 3m and b) Split the bay into 18m and 5.5m by inserting 2m dropped kerb access with double yellow lines; (vii) Opposite no.103 – by removing the build outs and single yellow lines – a) northside, replace with a resident permit holder parking space, b) northside, reduce the disabled parking bay from 10m to 6.5m, from its western end and replace it with double yellow line, and c) south side, between no.103-121: (i) extend the existing resident parking bay westwards by 4m by removing the single yellow line and (ii) splitting it into two separate parking bays each of 15.8m and 12m separated by a double yellow line of 8.8m; (viii) Northside, opposite no.106, to replace 3m of single yellow line with a resident parking space; (ix) Southside, west of no.121, by removing the buildout, replace the single yellow line with a resident parking space; (x) Convert the single yellow line single into double yellow lines on - a) Fern Street on both corners with Spanby Street and b) Spanby Street on both sides from the junction of Fern Street to abut the parking bays.

(b) Whitethorn Street:

(i) Convert all the existing single yellow lines into double yellow lines; (ii) Outside no.136 - replace the single yellow line and buildout with a resident parking space, (iii) Outside no.12 - a) to remove the buildouts and replace with yellow lines, and b) extend northwards the existing resident parking bay by 5m by removing the single yellow line; (iv) Outside no.68b, remove both buildouts and replace with - a) resident parking space on the northside, and b) a yellow line on the southside; (v) Between no.68 and 68a - a) northside, convert the single yellow lines into double yellow line, and b) southside, convert 5.2m of the single yellow line into a resident parking space; (vi) Outside no.60 – by removing the buildouts and single yellow line - a) northside replace them with a resident parking space, and b) southside, a solo motorcycle bay of 5m; (vii) Opposite no.56 - replace the existing motorcycle bay with double yellow lines; (viii) To revoke the permit holder parking bay on the north - west side outside the flank wall of Queen Mary Day nursery and replace with double yellow lines and no loading at any time; (ix) To introduce no loading at any time with double yellow lines on the south-east kerbside between Devons road and Tidey Street; (x) By removing the buildout on the north-west kerbside, and single yellow lines – extend the existing permit holder parking bay by 25m; (xi)Introduce no loading at any time on north-west side from a point 6.5m north of the junction with Devons Road, for 6m.

(c) Tidey Street: To convert all the existing single yellow lines into double yellow lines.

(d) Blackthorn Street: To convert all the existing single yellow lines into double yellow lines.

(e) Devons Road / Watts Grove / Gale Street / Brock Place / Furze Street / Blackthorn Street:

(i) To convert the existing single yellow lines into double yellow lines with no loading at any time on Devons Road – a) outside no.159-169 for 25m, b) between a point 22.5m south - west (abutting the bus stop) of the west kerb line of Watts Street and a point 35m northeast of the east kerb line of Maddams Street, c) for approx. 40m northeast side outside no.272 – ‘The Rectory’ (with corrections to the footpath with buildouts) beginning from the bus cage, d) southwest side Between Furze Street and Gale Street; Watts Grove eastside (outside no.1-60) from the junction of Devons Road, southwards for approx. 21m to abut the permit holder parking bay; and Gale Street – on both sides at its junction with Devons Road.

(ii) To Introduce no loading at any time restrictions on - a) Maddams Street (northside), on both sides between Devons Road and the beginning of the resident parking bays; b) Brock Place, southeast side for approx. 6m; c) Devons Road – between a point 22.5m south - west (abut the bus stop) of the west kerb line of Watts Street and the southeast kerb line of Brock Place ; d) Furze Street – on both sides at its junction with the Devons Road.

(iii) To convert the existing single yellow line into double yellow lines on Devons Road – a) from the south kerbside of Blackthorn Street, southwards for approx. 19.6m and b) on the northeast side between Furze Street and Gale Street.

(f ) Devons Road (outside no.270 ‘The Rectory’) - To introduce two electric vehicles (EV) charging parking bays on the new footway buildout, operating at all hours. The bays will be available at any time for specific use of electric vehicle charging only.

(g) Maddams Street at its junction with Five Acre Avenue – (i) eastside, to extend northwards the resident parking bay - 5m by removing the single yellow line; (ii) westside, to replace approx. 2m of single yellow line with resident permit space, (iii) remove the Central resident parking space and replace with double yellow line and (iv) Introduce double yellow line.

3. The Regulations, fees and usual exemptions imposed by the governing Traffic Management Orders would apply to the proposals referred to in paragraph 2, as above.

4. A copy of the Orders, which will come into operation on 01st July 2024 and all relevant documents can be obtained by writing to; Parking & Mobility Services, 585-593 Commercial Road, London E1 0HJ or by emailing until the end of six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made.

5. Any person wishing to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or that any relevant requirements thereof or any regulations made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks of the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated: 27th June 2024