Town and Country Planning
Westminster City Council
Notice is hereby given that on the date 30 August 2024 Westminster City Council made The City of Westminster (Stopping Up of Highways) (No.6) Order 2024 under sub-section 247 (2A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (“the 1990 Act”), the general effect of which is to authorise the stopping up of a 16.46 square metres area of the highway Mayfair Place and 45.68 square metres of the highway Stratton Street to enable development of the building 50 Stratton Street, London W1J 8LL (“the Building”) to be carried out.
The development comprises: the advancement of the ground floor external wall of that building into each of its Mayfair Place and Stratton Street frontages.
The parts of the highway that the proposed order authorises to be stopped up extend by:
(i) 0.83 metres in a south-eastward direction across the highway Mayfair Place from the 19.83 metres long south-eastern ground floor external wall of the Building on that frontage;
(ii) between 0.34 metres at its Mayfair Place end and 0.64 metres at its north-west most corner in a south-westward direction across the highway Stratton Street from the 65.67 metres long south-western ground floor external wall of the Building on that frontage; and
(iii) 0.64 metres in a north-westward direction across the highway Stratton Street from the 21.1 metres long north-western ground floor external wall of the Building on that frontage
National Grid References of limits of the complete development are: 528172, 182012; 528179, 181999; 528893, 180390; 528909, 180405
The order and plan identifying the location of the highway authorised to be stopped up may be inspected free of charge between 11am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays at Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP, during a period of 42 days from the date of this notice. Please telephone +44(0)7811238194 to arrange an appointment. Alternatively, you may e-mail for a copy.
Any person aggrieved by the order who desires to question the order’s validity may make an application to the High Court under section 287 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Act within six weeks of the date this notice is first published.
Westminster City Council granted permission for the development under part three of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 on 1 December 2021. Details of the proposed development may be viewed on line at then by clicking on “Planning Applications and Decisions” then “search now” then in Simple Search text box enter 20/06105/FULL then click “Search”. It re-routes to and the page for the proposal. Click on “there are X documents associated with this application”.”.
This notice is given pursuant to section 252 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, by Westminster City Council on the date 18 September 2024.