Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts at Bristol, Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) Court Number: CR-2024-BRS-000131
(Company Number 05573418)
Nature of Business: Tea processing
Registered office: 470 Bath Road, Bristol, BS4 3AP
Principal trading address: 470 Bath Road, Bristol, BS4 3AP
Date of Appointment: 27 November 2024
Names and Address of Administrators: Philip Dakin (IP No. 16490) and Janet Elizabeth Burt (IP No. 17330) and Benjamin John Wiles (IP No. 10670) all of Kroll Advisory Ltd, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG
Further details contact: Josh Guest, Tel: 0207 089 4896, Email:
Ag WJ83102