Town and Country Planning

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, s. 692024-04-082024-12-10TSO (The Stationery Office),


BRECKLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BRECKLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL (the council), as the local planning authority and in pursuance of the power conferred on them by section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, have on 8th April 2024 approved an amended conservation area boundary in the parish of Thetford.

The amended boundary is now as follows;


The added areas within the boundary now include going south on Bury Rd until turning east along Icknield Way. The boundary turns south at number 57 Icknield Way ensuring the rear of the properties of St Mary Cresent are within the new boundary. The boundary turns west at the rear of number 31 St Mary’s Crescent back across Bury Road. The boundary then turns north following the rear of the properties on the west side of Bury Road. This ensures that terraced houses, alms houses and development in Thetford along Bury Road are now included in the boundary.

Also included in the new boundary are the Nunnery Cottages and Granary and all their gardens. The boundary behind Nunnery Place has been shifted to the west to ensure the boundary no longer cuts through the land of the Cottages or Gardens but passes behind it.

The conservation area has been extended to the east at Melford Bridge. The boundary now goes around the late 17th Century Bridge to ensure it is within the area.

Also added to the boundary is the Norwich Road Academy. The boundary now runs north-west from Norwich Road between the Police Station and Norwich Road Academy. Turning north-east the boundary follows the rear of the school grounds. The boundary then follows the rear of the school coming back south between the heritage buildings and the more modern section of the school. The boundary then crosses across Norwich Road to the east of number 18c but west of the supermarket.

The amended area excludes the following areas from the new boundary;

The small modern housing development off Brandon Rd. The properties on Canons Close are now all outside the Conservation Area. The boundary runs east from London Road behind the properties on Canon’s Close until the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The boundary includes the Church following the Church land down to Brandon Road.

A group of modern buildings on the east side of Grove Lane. The excluded area starts at 27 Grove Lane. The boundary now passes east to the north of this property. The boundary goes south behind the properties on Lime Grove meaning these properties and Grove Surgery are outside the boundary. The boundary returns east passing back onto Grove Lane and turning north. The properties on the west side of Grove Lane, north of Number 1 are now outside the boundary.

Two modern properties at the east end of Castle Street are now outside the boundary. The boundary turns south at the property boundary of 66 Castle Street and then east to the River Thet. This ensures that the modern properties on the south side of Castle Street from number 70 moving westwards are all outside the boundary.