Town and Country Planning
Proposed development at Field 4381, Warren Lane, Bramham, Wetherby.
I give notice that Harmony BH Limited (‘the Appellant’), having applied to Leeds City Council for ‘Installation of a battery energy storage system, including associated infrastructure, landscaping works and access’ (‘the Appeal Scheme’) has made an appeal to the Secretary of State against the decision of the Council.
The Appellant seeks to consult on the following amendments to the Appeal Scheme:
• Relocate the proposed tree planting to avoid adverse impacts on the retained hedgerows.
• Manage the wildflower grass meadow with an ecotone margin of between 5m and 15m in width.
• Additional hedgerow planting to close the gap in the existing hedge along the southern boundary adjacent to Headley Plantation.
• Translocate the hedgerow at the site entrance rather than remove it as previously proposed.
An updated Battery Safety Management Plan (CD9.4) and an Agricultural Land Topic Paper (CD9.3) have been prepared in support of the Appeal Scheme.
All parties can view the updated plans on the Council’s website by searching for the planning application reference 23/04572/FU or by following this link:
Requests for hard copies to be sent directly should be made using the contact details below. Each request will be considered on a case by case basis and charges may apply.
All comments should be made as follows:
• By email to:
• By post to: Quod, 21 Soho Square, London, W1D 3QP
All comments must be made no later than 23:59:59 on Thursday 16 January 2025. All comments, however received, will be passed to the Inspector who has been appointed to consider this Appeal.