Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)

BirminghamCity and County of the City of LondonManchesterStockton-on-TeesB4 6GB52.483628-1.898185EC4A 1NL51.515771-0.110291M2 4EW53.479454-2.24335TS17 6DA54.559553-1.306539Insolvency Act 19862024-12-062025-01-222025-02-042025-02-05TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the High Court of Justice

Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Insolvency & Companies List (ChD) Court Number: CR-2024-007476


(Company Number 09785032)

and In the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986

A Petition to wind-up the above-named Company of Richard House Sorbonne Close, Thornaby, Stockton-On-Tees, England, TS17 6DA presented on 6 December 2024 by the petitioners listed on the schedule appended hereto c/o Trowers & Hamlins, One Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GB, claiming to be Creditors of the Company, will be heard at Insolvency and Companies List at The Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1NL on 5 February 2025 at 10:30am (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).

Any person intending to appear on the hearing of the Petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner or their Solicitor in accordance with Rule 7.14 by 16.00 hours on 4 February 2025.

The Petitioner’s Solicitor is: Trowers & Hamlins LLP, 55 Princess Street, Manchester, M2 4EW. Reference: DCB.035513.00008.SIB.

SCHEDULE - Petitioners' names

Kathryn Anne Lea, Furat Naser Saud Alabdali / Noor Alobaidi, Terence Hamer, Shaun Whitton & Tina Whitton, Hitesh Vyas, Nigel David Francis Brown & Barbara Brown, Harold George Lewis and Hazel Yvonne Lewis, Sergio Giuseppe Giovanni Corsini and Angela Maria Teran, Anton Ford Robinson, Tahira Jaffar, Abeer Abbas Abdulla Shehab Alderazi, Maria Assunta Sperduto, A.A. Azure Yachting Ltd, Christopher Wood, Lisa Caren Bentham & Philip John Bentham, Alpa and Pratik Visaria, Meeta Gulabbhai Patel / Nitin Amrut Patel, Anantrai Bhaishanker Vyas and Ushaben Anantrai Vyas, Sami Hamed Hezam Ezaden, Norman Edward Sander, Usman Mirza, James Robert Casey, Norman Edward Sander, Desmond Joseph Lyons & Mary Lyons, Stephen John Fisher and Diane Fisher, Iram Aamir Malik, Vera Robinson, Navinchandra Parmar, Mousa Ahmad Aljamal, Thiresia Alexandrou & Vasileios Sotiriou, Olalere Simeon Babasola and Olufolajimi Nnamdi Babasola, Gillian Tidball, Robert Lindley, Harith Suleiman Al Brashdi, Abdulrahman Emad Koshak, Sayeed Mohammed and Haffiza Mohammed, Hebah Yousef Dia Aldajani, Christine Sau May Tai, Khalid Mohammad Obiedat, Michelle Smith, Constantinos Panayiotou and Despo Constantis Panayiotou, Antonia Ruth Kench, Hua Xiao, Tivejolen Limited, Sophia & Chirag Solanki, Gerard Benoit Pacaud, Elias Abimrad & Siham Abimrad, Ayden Alan Hipkiss, Emma Jane Hipkiss-Phillips, Christopher Keith Morley, Elias Abimrad & Siham Abimrad, Stuart Victor Douglas Richard, Helen Elizabeth McCluskey, Monica Dawn Snowden, Nigel Robert Beevers & Pauline Beevers, Marta Evelyn Thorp, Rajesh Sharma, Mahmood Zakeri & Phillipa Johann Zakeri, Bhumika Niraula and Sushil Niraula, Georges Robert Khayat, Richard Tunbosun Jeje, Henry David Walkinshaw, Xin Chen & Tong Zhou, Gilbert Ayodele Akinbobola, Evelyn Ogbeyanu Ezefili and Michael Ezefili, Bibi Fahiza Khameery, Kim Williams, Ahmad Mahmoud Mohammad Rashid, Wolfhart Ltd, Diego Alejandro Devoto, Entanglewood Ltd, KC94 Property Ltd, Mutimer P&C Ltd, Constantinos Panayiotou and Despo Constantis Panayiotou, Natalie Pericleous Panayides, Jeremy and Martie Sharrock, Chi-Jung Chen, Mohammad Naser Imran & Lubna Imran, Helen Elizabeth McCluskey, Diego Alejandro Devoto, Christopher Keith Morley, Kathryn Campbell Wilson, Mukesh Parmar, Anne Shirley McCrea, Lorna Josephine Woodward, Michael Scott Dickson & Patricia Margaret Atalanta Dickson, Thomas James Adam, Stuart Victor Douglas Richard, Greig David Morrish, Anastassios and Nicolete Crassas, Stuart Victor Douglas Richard, B&B Chauhan Limited, Adefunke Omolara Kasali, Carmel Doreen Glanville, Karen Mary Sparkes, Marie Celine Murphy, Maxine Margaret Hopton & Brian Hopton, PPP Properties Ltd, DKV Properties Ltd, Mohammad Naser Imran & Lubna Imran, Abdullah Abdulrahman Alamoudi, Sayeed Mohammed and Haffiza Mohammed, Luigi Terzaga, Joanna Adelajda Kosinska, Shahida Sultana, Roland Charles Sparling, John Brusey Cow (deceased), Arvindkumar Bhulabhai and Ranjanben Patel, Thomas John Winter, Wolfe Solutions Ltd, Yulia Zeevi, Zubair Amin, Pawel Gozdz, Gillian Margaret Aitchison, Lian Properties Limited, Christa and Hans-Guenther Klenk, Kentankumar Rajnikant Shah & Tanviben Ketankumar Shah, Ambreen Faraz, Paul Thomas Lysaght, Ahmad Lutfi Khader and Rabab Nimer, Kathryn Elizabeth Lindley, Lemongold Limited, Konstantinos boulakis and Artemis Boulaki, Jonathan Foster & Helen Foster, K8 Virtua Ltd, Michael and Susan Watson, Gian Carlo Gini, Bel London Ltd, Furat Naser Alabdali, Christa and Hans-Guenther Klenk, Revendran Krisnan Nair & Catherine Ellen Nair, Winkworth Family Homes Ltd, Fiona Elizabeth Janet Folley, Michael Jonathan Mansel Lord & Julie Lord, Silvergate Equestrian Ltd, Gillian Ann Weeks, Lesley Elizabeth Hawkes, Shahida Sultana, Farid Abdelkader Mohamed Farid & Yasmin Abdelkader Mohamed Farid Abdelkader, Kimerie Mapletoft, Wafaa Khaleel Ismael Al-Ani, Virginie Moate, Milada Murray, Ali Omar Zeglam and Anne Elizabeth Zeglam, Navneet Kumar Kohli, Richard & Paula Fay Wiltshire, Ameenah & Haneen Zeglam, Richard & Margaret Pybus, James Ford Mason, Mohammad Naser Imran & Lubna Imran, Eugene Hansram Lakhisaran and Maya Aroenadebie Jadnanansing, Ayden Alan Hipkiss, PB Judd Ltd, Dominic Paul Sankey and Rosemary Thomson, Asjad Hameed & Dr Nuzhat H Hameed, Mumtaz Akbar Syeda and Sarah Syeda, Jubair Ali Thottakuruchi Mohamed Ali & Farzana Begum Thottakuruchi, Zaidi, Gecko Documentation Services Ltd, Ziauddin Limited, Susan Jane Merkin, The Nimbus Group Limited, Susan Jane Merkin, Rodger Dister Jensen, Deborah Cutcliffe Carter Clout, PB Judd Ltd, Michael Oladipo Daramola and Yetunde Daramola, Dmitry Lyakutin and Elena Dannikova, Roger Charles Levick, Paul Grant, Suleiman Al Brashdy, Waqas Anis and Surayya Amin, Paresh Kumar Jethalal Bharmal Shah & Nilla Paresh Shah, Hua Xiao, Ada Lampert, Ahmed Munir and Rehana Munir, Sarah Merryn Goodwin-Davis

Ag YJ101867