Resolutions for Winding-up
(Company Number 05038814)
Registered office: Suite India 1, Maritime House, Basin Road North, Hove, BN41 1WR
Principal trading address: 81 Foredown Drive, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 2BF
At a general meeting of the members of the above named company, duly convened and held at 68 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE on 28 February 2025 the following special and ordinary resolutions were duly passed:
'That the Company be wound-up voluntarily'
'That Simon Peter Edward Knight and Syed Oowas Parhan Aziz of Jeremy Knight & Co., 68 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE are hereby appointed joint liquidators for the purpose of the winding up'
'That the joint liquidators be authorised to distribute, in specie, all or any part of the Company's assets.'
Further Details Violetta Korbina Tel No. (01273) 203654
Name(s) Holder(s) of Office Simon Peter Edward Knight and Syed Oowas Parhan Aziz
Office Number(s) Holder 11150 and 9484
Address Holder(s) of Office 68 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE
Andrew Lea Roberts