Road Traffic Acts

City of WestminsterSW1E 6QP51.497553-0.137352Road Traffic Regulation Act 19842025-03-102025-03-122025-03-132025-04-21TSO (The Stationery Office),


1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Westminster City Council on 10th March 2025 made the following Orders under sections 6, 45, 46, 49, 63 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended:

• The City of Westminster (A Zone) (Amendment No. 69) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Bus Parking Places) (Amendment No. 13) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Cycle Hangars) (Amendment No. 20) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (D Zone) (Amendment No. 16) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (E Zone) (Amendment No. 12) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Places) (Bicycles) (Amendment No. 45) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Permit Parking Places) (Amendment No. 105) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (Amendment No. 88) Order 2025,

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Places) (Police Vehicles) (Amendment No. 5) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (G Zone) (Amendment No. 3) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Loading Bays) (Amendment No. 59) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (London Cycle Hire Scheme) (Parking Places) (Amendment No. 27) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Motorcycle Parking Places) (Amendment No. 142) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (B Zone) (Amendment No. 138) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (C Zone) (Amendment No. 145) Order 2025;

• The City of Westminster (Parking Places) (F Zone) (Amendment No. 128) Order 2025; and

• The City of Westminster (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. 565) Order 2025.

2. The general effect of the Orders will be to retain on a permanent basis the most recent configuration and locations of the dockless e-scooter / cycle hire parking places that were introduced on an experimental basis at various locations in Controlled Parking Zones A, B, C, D, E, F and G, as detailed in the Schedule to this Notice. The Schedule also includes details of revisions to current parking and waiting restrictions that were introduced to facilitate the installation of the e-scooter and cycle hire parking places.

3. Please note that, following consideration of the submissions from the public received during the trial period:

(a) the dockless parking place in Dartmouth Street will be narrowed to 1.2 metres; and

(b) the dockless parking places in Lumley Street and Tavistock Street will be removed.

4. E-scooter / cycle hire parking places can only be used by rental e-scooters available through the experimental trial being run by Transport for London, London Councils and participating London Boroughs (currently provided by Lime and Voi) and by authorised dockless e-bikes (currently provided by Forest and Lime).

5. The Orders, which will come into force on 13th March 2025, and other documents giving more detailed particulars of the Orders are available for inspection until 21st April 2025 at and, in person by appointment only, at Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP, between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays (except bank / public holidays). Please telephone 020 3057 2156 or email to arrange an appointment.

6. Any person desiring to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that any of the relevant requirements thereof or of any relevant regulations made thereunder have not been complied with in relation to the Orders may, within six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated 12th March 2025


Head of Parking

(The officer appointed for this purpose)





Amendments to existing provisions

A Aylesford Street the north-east side, opposite No. 63 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of redundant “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
A Belgrave Square the north-west side of the south-eastern arm, opposite No. 28 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of e-scooter parking
A Bremner Road the south side, adjacent to No. 188 Queen’s Gate extend the residents’ parking place eastward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
A Eaton Square the north-west side of the central north-east to south-west arm, adjacent to the London Cycle Hire docking station e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
the south-east side of the central north-east to south-west arm, 30 metres south-west of its junction with Hobart Place e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
A Ebury Square the south-east side of the north-western arm, opposite No. 1 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking
A Ebury Street the north-west side, outside No. 54 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
the south-east side, opposite its junction with Grosvenor Gardens Mews North e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Eccleston Square the north-west side of the south-eastern arm, opposite No. 53 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Eccleston Street the south-west side, adjacent to Eaton Square e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Ennismore Gardens the west side of the eastern arm, outside Kingston House South e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 9.1 metres of residents’ parking
A Exhibition Road the west side, opposite its junction with Princes Gardens e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.4 metres of residents’ parking (one bay)
the west side, outside the Royal Geographical Society e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
A Gillingham Street the north-west side, outside No. 46 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking and 2 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
A Kensington Gore the south side, outside the Royal College of Art e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 3 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
A Lupus Street the south-east side, opposite No. 22 St. George’s Square e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Montpelier Square the south side, opposite No. 43 extend the residents’ parking place westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
A Montpelier Street the west side, outside No. 19 extend the residents’ parking place southward, replacing 5.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
the west side, outside Nos. 15 and 17 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 10 metres of residents’ parking
A Queen’s Gate the east side, outside No. 192 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Rutland Gate the east side of the north-westernmost north of south arm, opposite No. 24 extend the residents’ parking place southward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
the east side of the north-westernmost north to south arm, opposite the eastern wall of Nos. 2 to 8 extend the e-scooter / cycle hire bay northward, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking and 1.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
the west side of the north-westernmost north to south arm, adjacent to Nos. 2 to 8 motorcycle parking place, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A St. George’s Drive the north-east side, opposite St. Gabriel’s Church e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Sutherland Street the north-east side, adjacent to No. 91 Gloucester Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.5 metres of e-scooter parking
the north-east side, outside Kirkstall House e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
A Tachbrook Street the south-west side, outside No. 140 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
A Warwick Square the south-west side of the north-eastern arm, opposite Nos. 73 and 74 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
B Aberdeen Place the south-east side, opposite No. 28 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
B Alexander Street the south-west side, 5 metres south of Westbourne Park Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
B Allsop Place the north-east side, opposite Cornwall House, No. 7 extend the pay-by-phone parking place south-eastward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
the south-west side, opposite the rear of Nos. 40 and 41 Cornwall Terrace Mews e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 10 metres of pay-by-phone parking
the south-west side, outside Farley Court pay-by-phone parking bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
B Boston Place the south-west side, opposite its junction with Ivor Place e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
B Cleveland Square the south-east side of the south-eastern arm, outside Nos. 60 to 62 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of e-scooter parking
B Cleveland Terrace the south-east side, at its junction with Westbourne Terrace e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
B Craven Hill Gardens the north-west side, opposite No. 7 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
B Great Central Street the east side, adjacent to Regis Court, Melcombe Place e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
B Hereford Road the east side, outside No. 38 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
B Inverness Terrace the east side, opposite No. 1b e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking
the west side, outside No. 143 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.8 metres of e-scooter parking
B Kensington Gardens Square the west side of the eastern arm, opposite No. 85 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of residents’ parking (one bay)
B Leinster Square the south side of the northern arm, opposite No. 2 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of e-scooter parking
B Moorhouse Road the west side, adjacent to Nos. 75 to 77 Talbot Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking
B Norfolk Square the south-east side of the south-eastern arm, outside No. 1 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
the south-west side of the north-eastern arm, opposite the south-western wall of Edna House e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
B Paddington Green the west side of the south-western arm, adjacent to the London Cycle Hire docking station e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of e-scooter parking
B Palace Court the centre of the carriageway, outside No. 34 e-scooter / cycle hire bay
B Porchester Terrace the east side, adjacent to No. 102 Bayswater Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 3 metres of residents’ parking and 2 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
B Praed Street the north-east side, outside Peninsula Apartments, No. 4 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
B Randolph Avenue the south-west side, adjacent to No. 55 Clifton Gardens e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
B Salisbury Street the south-west side, adjacent to Cherwell House extend the residents’ parking place north-westward, replacing the “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking bay (6.5 metres) which will be relocated north-westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
the south-west side, adjacent to Wey House e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 7 metres of residents’ parking
B Shrewsbury Road the north-east side, opposite St. Mary of the Angels Roman Catholic Primary School e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking
B Taunton Place the north-west side, opposite No. 1 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
B Tavistock Crescent the east side, to the rear of No. 60 Great Western Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 7 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
B Tavistock Road the north-west side, outside No. 2 extend the residents’ parking place south-westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (6 metres)
B Westbourne Park Villas the north side, opposite No. 4 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking – an additional residents’ parking space will be introduced on the south side, outside Clifford Court (replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking)
C Abercorn Place the north-west side, outside St. Mark’s Church e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.5 metres of motorcycle parking and 2.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Allitsen Road the north-west side, opposite Nos. 42 to 51 and 52 to 61 Townshend Court e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
C Alma Square the south-west side, opposite No. 45 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 9 metres of motorcycle parking
C Ashmore Road the east side, outside St. Luke’s Church Centre e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking
C Carlton Hill the north-west side, outside No. 72a e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
C Carlton Vale the north-west side, adjacent to Thurso House, Randolph Gardens e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 8 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
C Chippenham Road the west side, opposite its junction with Grittleton Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Circus Road the south-east side, outside No. 41 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Coomassie Road the north side, adjacent to No. 52 Portnall Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.6 metres of motorcycle parking and 3.4 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
C Denholme Road the south-east side, adjacent to No. 64 Saltram Crescent e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of motorcycle parking
C Elgin Avenue the south-east side, outside No. 284 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.5 metres of redundant “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
C Fernhead Road the east side, adjacent to No. 71 Barnsdale Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
C Fifth Avenue the east side, adjacent to Nos. 13 to 24 Fir House, Droop Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
C Fordingley Road the south side, adjacent to No. 10 Saltram Crescent e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking and 1 metre of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Grantully Road the north-west side, opposite Nos. 56 to 64 Ashworth Mansions e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of residents’ parking (one bay)
C Greville Road the south-west side, adjacent to No. 106 Clifton Hill e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Hall Road the north-west side, adjacent to Vale Court, Maida Vale e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
the north-west side, outside Nos. 1 to 39 Grove Hall Court e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Hormead Road the south-west side, outside No. 60 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking and 1 metre of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Ilbert Street the north side, adjacent to No. 68 Fifth Avenue e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
the western extremity, at its junction with Kilburn Lane e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing three coach pay-by-phone parking bays – two residents’ parking spaces will also be introduced at the western extremity
C Lauderdale Road the south side, outside No. 1a e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parkingg
C Loudoun Road the west side, opposite No. 104 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
C Marban Road the south side, adjacent to No. 201 Portnall Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.6 metres of shared-use parking
C Marlborough Hill the west side, adjacent to No. 7 Boundary Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
C Nutbourne Street the north side, opposite No. 17 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
C Oakington Road the north-east side, opposite No. 6 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
C Oliphant Street the south side, adjacent to No. 118 Sixth Avenue e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Prince Albert Road the south-east side, opposite Primrose Court, Nos. 49-50 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 10 metres of residents’ parking
the south-east side, opposite St. James’s Close residents’ parking place, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5.4 metres)
C Randolph Avenue the south-west side, adjacent to No. 235 Elgin Avenue e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.5 metres of e-scooter parking
C St. John’s Wood Terrace the north-west side, outside No. 94 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Saltram Crescent the south-west side, opposite Nos. 187 and 189 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Shirland Road· the south-west side, opposite St. Saviour’s C of E Primary School e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 1 metre of residents’ parking and 4 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
C Sixth Avenue the east side, adjacent to No. 84 Droop Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Sutherland Avenue the centre of the carriageway, opposite No. 188 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 8 metres of hatched road markings
C Third Avenue the west side, opposite No. 60 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
C Waverley Place the south-west side, 7.5 metres north-west of its junction with Grove End Road e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking
C Woodfield Road the south side, opposite its junction with Woodfield Place e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 7.5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
D Atterbury Street the north-east side, outside Tate Britain e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
D Buckingham Gate (2x sites) the north-east side, opposite No. 60 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions and 5 metres of e-scooter parking
D Causton Street the north-east side, outside Causton Street Playground e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.5 metres of “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
D Cureton Street the north-east side, outside Lawrence House e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
D Dartmouth Street the south-east side, outside No. 21 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking and 1.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
D Francis Street the north-west side, opposite Block A, Peabody Estate e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
D Fynes Street the south-west side of the island site outside No. 1 Vincent Square e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.5 metres of residents’ parkingD Herrick Street the south-east side, opposite St. Oswulf Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
D Herrick Street the south-east side, opposite St. Oswulf Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
D Horseferry Road the south side, opposite Belgravia House e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
the south side, opposite Tufton Street extend the residents’ parking place westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
D Howick Place the north side, outside No. 10 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.5 metres of e-scooter parking
D Marsham Street the east side, outside No. 27 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking
D St. Ann’s Street the east side, south of Abbey Orchard Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of e-scooter parking
D Vincent Square the north-east side of the south-western arm, opposite Udall Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
the south-west side of the north-eastern arm, opposite No. 76 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
E Aldford Street the south-western extremity e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow lines
E Berkeley Square the garden side of the north-eastern arm, opposite Nos. 17 and 18 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of motorcycle parking and 2 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
the garden side of the north-eastern arm, opposite Nos. 8 and 10 motorcycle parking place and pay-by-phone parking bay, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay
the garden side of the south-western arm, opposite No. 45 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking
E Brook’s Mews the north side, opposite No. 25a e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking and 3.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
E Carlton House Terrace the north-west side, opposite No. 9 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.8 metres of shared-use parking (2 bays)
E Charles II Street the north-west side, opposite No. 29 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking
E Chesterfield Gardens the south-west side, opposite No. 4 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
E Curzon Street the south-east side, at its junction with Curzon Square e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
E Hamilton Place the west side, outside No. 6 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
E New Bond Street the south-west side, outside Nos. 101 and 102 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of loading bay
E New Burlington Street the south-east side, outside Nos. 10 to 12 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
E North Row the south-east side, adjacent to No. 115 Park Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
the south-east side, outside North Row Buildings e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.6 metres of “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
E Old Burlington Street the north-east side, outside Nos. 14 and 15 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 15 metres of police parking
E Park Lane the south-west side, opposite No. 22 e-scooter / cycle hire bay replacing 2 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
E St. James’s Square the garden side of the south-western arm, opposite No. 20 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking
the south-east side of the south-eastern arm, outside No. 22a extend the residents’ parking place south-westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
E St. James’s Street the north-east side, outside the steps to Smithson Plaza e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
E South Audley Street the south side of the north-western arm e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 8.6 metres of residents’ parking, 4 metres of motorcycle parking and 3.9 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions – the motorcycle parking place will be relocated westward
E Upper Grosvenor Street the north side, adjacent to No. 37 Park Street extend the e-scooter / cycle hire bay westward, replacing 5 metres of shared-use parking
the south side, outside No. 30 extend the residents’ parking place eastward and westward, replacing a combined 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Baker Street the west side, outside No. 107 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking
F Bolsover Street the south-west side, outside No. 69 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Brendon Street the south-west side, outside No. 39 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of motorcycle parking and 1 metre of single yellow line waiting restrictions – 5.5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions will be introduced opposite No. 38, replacing the cycle stands
F Bryanston Square the north-east side of the south-western arm, opposite No. 28 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 6 metres of residents’ parking
F Chandos Street the south-west side, adjacent to No. 9 Cavendish Square e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Chiltern Street the west side, outside No. 83 extend the residents’ parking place southward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
F Devonshire Street the south-east side, outside No. 38 pay-by-phone parking bay, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
F Eastcastle Street the north-west side, outside No. 1 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking and 2.3 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Hyde Park Street the west side, outside No. 1 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F John Prince’s Street the south-west side, opposite Great Castle Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 15 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
F Kendal Street the south-east side, outside No. 56 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4 metres of motorcycle parking and 1 metre of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Langham Street the north side, outside No. 27, Van Dyck Mansion e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Manchester Square the garden side of the south-western arm, opposite Fitzhardinge Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions and 3 metres of residents’ parking
F Market Place the south-east side, outside No. 30 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Montagu Street the north-east side, opposite Nos. 13 and 14 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Newman Street the north-east side, outside No. 20 length of single yellow line waiting restrictions, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
the south-west side, outside Nos. 78 and 79 extend the pay-by-phone parking place south-eastward, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Norfolk Crescent the east side of the crescent arm, opposite Nos. 34 and 35 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Nottingham Street the south side, adjacent to No. 25 Luxborough Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.5 metres of motorcycle parking
F Ogle Street the north-east side, opposite No. 6 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Old Cavendish Street the north-east side, outside No. 4 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 3 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions and 2 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
the south-eastern extremity, outside No. 4 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Old Quebec Street the north-east side, outside No. 30 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.2 metres of e-scooter parking
F Porter Street the south-east side, adjacent to No. 10 Chiltern Street pay-by-phone parking bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
F Portland Place the west side of the central island, opposite No. 21 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
the west side of the central island, opposite No. 73 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Portman Square the south-east side, opposite Nos. 12 to 14 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Rodmarton Street the north-east side, outside Nos. 42 and 43 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5.5 metres of “White Badge” disabled person’s personal parking
F Stratford Place the south-west side, outside Nos. 17 to 20 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Thayer Street the east side, adjacent to West London Mission of the Methodist Church e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 3.5 metres of e-scooter parking
F Wells Street the north-east side, adjacent to Mortimer House, Nos. 37-43 Mortimer Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of motorcycle parking (the motorcycle parking place will be extended north-westward by 3 metres)
F Weymouth Street the north-west side, adjacent to No. 1 Upper Wimpole Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of pay-by-phone parking and 3 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
F Wigmore Street the north-west side, outside No. 128 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
G Bedfordbury the west side, outside Nos. 2 and 3 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow lines
G Floral Street the south-east side, opposite No. 50 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
G Garrick Street the north-east side, outside No. 22 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.6 metres of e-scooter parking
G Great Marlborough Street the south-east side, outside No. 47 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of e-scooter parking
G Ingestre Place the south-west side, outside No. 16 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 1 metre of residents’ parking and 4 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions (the residents’ parking place will be extended south-eastward by 1 metre)
G Kemble Street the south-east side, 5.5 metres south-west of Kemble Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
G Lincoln’s Inn Fields the north-west side, opposite The Marshall Building No. 44 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.3 metres of e-scooter parking and 1.8 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions
G Little Newport Street the north side, outside No. 8 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 3 metres of cycle stands and 2 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions (the cycle stands will be relocated westward by 3 metres)
G Long Acre the north-west side, opposite Covent Garden Station e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of goods vehicle loading bay
the north-west side, outside No. 132 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
G Mercer Street the north-east side, at the rear of No. 5 Mercer Walk extend the residents’ parking place north-westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (5 metres)
G Oxendon Street the south-west side, adjacent to No. 9 Orange Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
G Panton Street the north-west side, 9.5 metres south-west of Whitcomb Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
G Portugal Street the north-west side, opposite Carey Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2.5 metres of cycle hangar and 2.5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions (the cycle hangar will be relocated eastward by 2.5 metres)
G Robert Street the north-east side, 2 metres south-east of John Adam Street e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of residents’ parking
G St. Martin’s Lane the east side, outside No. 31 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 2 metres of motorcycle parking and 3 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
the east side, outside Nos. 68 to 69 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 10 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
G Sherwood Street the north-east side, outside No. 12 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
G Soho Square the garden side of the north-western arm, opposite Soho Street extend the pay-by-phone parking place north-eastward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (4 metres)
the garden side of the south-eastern arm, opposite No. 29 extend the residents’ parking place north-eastward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (2.3 metres)
the garden side of the south-western arm, opposite No. 37 extend the residents’ parking place north-westward, replacing the e-scooter and cycle hire bay (2.3 metres)
the south-western corner, outside Nos. 31 to 34 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 16 metres of residents’ parking
G Upper St. Martin’s Lane the east side, adjacent to No. 143 Long Acre e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 4.8 metres of double yellow line “at any time” waiting restrictions
G Warwick Street the south-west side, outside Nos. 46 to 49 e-scooter / cycle hire bay, replacing 5 metres of single yellow line waiting restrictions