
2006-01-262006-12-22TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice under Article 14 (3) of the Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996

The Northern Ireland Authority for Energy Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the “Authority”) pursuant to Article 14 (3) of the (Gas Northern Ireland) Order 1996, as amended (the “Order”) hereby gives notice as follows:

1. The Authority proposes to change Condition 2.4.2 (a) of the Firmus Energy Distribution Ltd Licence for the conveyance of gas in Northern Ireland in order to extend the deadline by which firmus energy must have a Network Code in place.
2. The reasons for, and the effects of, the proposed modification are as follows:

The effect is that the licensee will not have to have a Network Code in place until the earlier of:

(i) 12 months after the Authority issues a direction requiring the Licensee to do so;
(ii) 12 months before the Supply Licensee is scheduled (in accordance with its licence) to cease to have the exclusive right to supply a premises it was previously entitled to supply exclusively; and
(iii) two months after the Supply Licensee ceases to have the exclusive right to supply a premises it was previously entitled to supply exclusively,

The reason for this change is to provide firmus energy with the necessary time in which to develop its physical systems and processes which will form the basis of the network code; necessary for supply competition.

A copy of the proposed modification can be obtained from Samuel Connolly at Ofreg, Queens House, 14 Queens Street, Belfast, BT1 6ER.


Representations or objections with respect to the proposed modification may be made on or before 26th January 2006 to the same address.