Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 as amended
paragraph 4(1) of Schedule 2A
Sequestration of the estate of
Caroline Janet McGuire
A certificate for the summary administration estate of Caroline Janet McGuire, 39 Westboreland Road, Denny FK6 6PA was granted by the sheriff at Falkirk on Monday 24th June 12002 and Stephen Woodhouse, Accountant in Bankruptcy, George House, Street, Edinburgh EH2 4HH has been appointed by the Court to act as Permanent Trustee on the sequestrated estate.
Please note that the date of sequestration is Thursday 13th June 2002.
Stephen Woodhouse, Accountant in Bankruptcy, Permanent Trustee
Accountant in Bankruptcy, George House, 126 George Street,
Edinburgh EH2 4HH