-3.23288955.905897EH13 9BUThe City of Edinburgh-3.19347955.955948EH1 3PR-3.18354655.958452EH7 4AA2002-07-102002-08-23EH13PREH139BUEH74AATSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk252782500/140
Ahmet Aygun

Take note that Ahmet Aygun, trading as Akdeniz and having place of business at 16 Elm Row, Edinburgh, EH7 4AA and residing at 180 Colinton Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH13 9BU has presented a Petition to the Court of Session in July 2002 seeking recall of his sequestration. The following Interlocutor has been pronounced.

10th July 2002   Lady Cosgrove

The Lord Ordinary appoints the Petition to be intimated on the Walls in common form and to be advertised once in the Edinburgh Gazette newspaper; Grants Warrant for service of the Petition, as craved, together with a copy of this Interlocutor upon the parties named and designed in the Schedule annexed thereto; Allows them and any other party claiming an interest, to lodge Answers thereto, if so advised, within fourteen days after such intimation, advertisement and service.

Connell & Connell WS, Solicitors

10 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3PR

Agents for Petitioner