Offshore Combustion Installations
Notice Under Regulation 13
Proposed development to install three 2.0MW wind turbines standing on 78m towers with 80m blade (rotor) diameter at Balado Activity Centre, The Old Airfield, Balado, Kinross.
Notice is hereby given that a supplementary Environmental Statement has been submitted to Perth and Kinross Council by Glendevon Energy Company Limited relating to a planning application to install three 2.0MW wind turbines standing on 78m tower with 80m blade (rotor) diameter.
A copy of the Environmental Statement and the associated planning application kept at:
Perth and Kinross Council, Planning and Development Services, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth PH1 5GD
During the period of 28 days beginning with the date of this notice, copies of the environmental statement may be purchased at a cost of £50.00 from:
Glendevon Energy Company Limited, 9 Doune Terrace, Edinburgh EH3 6DY Tel 0131 226 1198
Any person who wishes to make representations to Perth and Kinross Council about the Environmental Statement should make them in writing within the period specified above to the Director of Planning and Development Services, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth PH1 5GD