Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
Classic Cooling & Heating Scotland Ltd
Notice is hereby given that on 16th January 2003 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff at Glasgow by The Advocate General for Scotland as representing Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Customs & Excise, craving the Court, inter alia that Classic Cooling & Heating Scotland Ltd, having their Registered Office at 922 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G14 9UQ be wound up by the Court and an Interim Liquidator appointed: in which Petition the Sheriff at Glasgow by Interlocutor dated 16th January 2003 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow within eight days after intimation, advertisement or service: all of which Notice is hereby given.
Shepherd & Wedderburn
Saltire Court, 20 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh
Agents for the Petitioners