Town and Country Planning

-2.52141957.664254AB45 1AY2003-02-21AB451AYAberdeenshireTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Aberdeenshire Council

Planning and Environmental SERVICES
Notices Under the Planning Acts

The following applications have been submitted for the consideration of Aberdeenshire Council. Plans can be inspected during normal office hours at the locations specified. Any person wishing to make representations should do so in writing (quoting the reference number and stating clearly the grounds of their representation) to the Head of Planning and Building Control at the relevant divisional office within the specified period.

North Division

Address representations to: Head of Planning and Building Control, Aberdeenshire Council, Town House, Low Street, Banff AB45 1AY. Tel: 01261 813200

E-mail address:

Address of Proposal/ Name of Where plans can
Proposal Reference Applicant be inspected in
addition to Div-
isional Office

Proposal Affecting the Character or Setting of a Listed Building or Conservation Area

Representation Period - 21 days

Burnshangie Erection of Dr H Tobin Strichen
House conservatory Post Office
Burnshangie Road N030010LB
29 Low Street Erection of Bank of Planning &
Banff signage Scotland Environmental
N030009LB Halifax