Other Notices

2003-02-21TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk253781702/571702/57
The In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulations

Standard Number/ Official Journal Title BS Adoptions
Issue date of Std Reference No.
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Information supplied by the manufacturer with BSEN375:2001
EN375:2001 in vitro diagnostic reagents for professional use
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Information supplied by the manufacturer with BSEN376:2002
EN376:2002 in vitro diagnostic reagents for self-testing
CEN OJ2001/C319/06 Medical gloves for single use. Requirements and BSEN455-1:2000
EN455-1:2000 testing for freedom from holes
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: BSEN455-2:2000
EN455-2:2000 Requirements and testing for physical
properties (including Corrigendum 1996)
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Sterilisation of medical devices - Validation and BSEN552:1994
EN552:1994 routine control of sterilisation by irradiation (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment A2 2000
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Sterilisation of medical devices - Requirements BSEN556-1:2001
EN556-1:2001 for medical devices to be designated ‘Sterile’ -
Part 1: Requirements for terminally sterilised
medical devices
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic BSEN591:2001
EN591:2001 instruments for professional use
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic BSEN592:2002
EN592:2002 instruments for self-testing
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Lung ventilators - Part 1: Particular BSEN794-1:1997
EN794-1:1997 requirements for critical care ventilators (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment A1 2000
CEN OJ99/C227/08 In vitro diagnostic systems. Guidance on the BSEN928:1996
EN928:1995 application of EN29001 and EN29002 and
EN46002 for in vitro diagnostic medical devices
CEN OJ2001/C319/04 Graphical symbols for use in the BSEN980:1997
EN980:1996 labelling of medical devices (Amendment Incorporated)
Amendment A1 1999
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Graphical symbols for use in the BSEN980:1997
EN980:1996 labelling of medical devices (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment A2 2001
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Agent specific filling systems for BSEN1280-1:1997
EN1280-1:1997 anaesthetic vaporisers - Part 1:Rectangular (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment A1 2000 keyed filling systems
CEN OJ99/C227/08 Requirements for making of in vitro BSEN1658:1997
EN1658:1996 diagnostic instruments
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Natural latex rubber condoms BSENISO4074:2002
ENISO4074:2002 Requirements and test methods (ISO4074:2002)
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Anaesthetic and respiratory BSENISO4135:2001
ENISO4135:2001 equipment - Vocabulary (ISO4135:2001)
CEN OJ2001/C319/06 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. BSENISO9360-1:2000
ENISO9360-1:2000 Heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs) for
humidifying respired gases in humans. HMEs
for use with minimum tidal volumes of 250 ml
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-8:2001
ENISO10993-8:2001 Part 8: Selection and qualification of reference
materials for biological tests (ISO10993-8:2000)
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-14:2001
ENISO10993-14:2001 Part 14: Identification and quantification of
degradation products from ceramics
CEN OJ2001/C319/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices. BSENISO10993-15:2001
ENISO10993-15:2000 Identification and quantification of degradation
products from metals and alloys (ISO10993-15:2000)
CEN OJ99/C227/08 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. BSEN12286:1999
EN12286:1998 Measurement of quantities in samples of
biological origin. Presentation of reference
measurement procedures
CEN OJ2001/C319/04 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. BSEN12286:1999
EN12286:1998 Measurement of quantities in samples of (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment A1 2000 biological origin. Presentation of reference
measurement procedures
CEN OJ2000/C293/10 In vitro diagnostic medical devices - BSEN12287:1999
EN12287:1999 Measurement of quantities in samples of
biological origin - Description of reference materials
CEN OJ99/C288/10 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. Culture BSEN12322:1999
EN12322:1999 media for microbiology. Performance criteria (Amendment incorporated)
for culture media
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 In-vitro diagnostic medical devices - Culture BSEN12322:1999
EN12322:1999 media for microbiology - Performance criteria
Amendment A1 2001 for culture media
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Medical compression hosiery BSEN12718:2001
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Medical thrombosis prophylaxis hosiery BSEN12719:2001
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Breathing system filters for anaesthetic and BSEN13328-1:2001
EN13328-1:2001 respiratory use - Part 1: Test method to assess
filtration performance
CEN OJ2002/C182/05 Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular BSENISO13485:2001
ENISO13485:2000 requirements for the application of ENISO9001
(revison of EN 13485:1996)
(identical to ISO13485:1996)
CEN OJ2002/C182/05 Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular BSENISO13488:2001
ENISO13488:2000 requirements for the application of EN 46002:
1996), 9002 (identical to ISO13488:1996)
CEN OJ2002/C314/06 General requirements for in vitro BSEN13532:2002
EN13532:2002 diagnostic medical devices for self-testing
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Respiratory therapy equipment - Part 1: BSEN13544-1:2001
EN13544-1:2001 Nebulising systems and their components
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Respiratory therapy equipment - Part 3: BSEN13544-3:2001
EN13544-3:2001 Air entrainment devices
CEN OJ2002/C314/06 Performance evaluation of in-vitro diagnostic BSEN13612:2002
EN13612:2002 medical devices
CEN OJ2002/C314/06 Stability testing of in-vitro diagnostic medical BSEN13640:2002
EN13640:2002 devices
CEN OJ2002/C314/06 Elimination or reduction of risk of infection BSEN13641:2002
EN13641:2002 related to in-vitro diagnostic reagents
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Sterilisation of health care products - General BSENISO14937:2001
ENISO14937:2000 requirements for characterisation of a
sterilising agent and the development,
validation and routine control of a sterilisation
process for medical devices (ISO14937:2000)
CEN OJ2002/C182/05 Medical devices - Application of risk BSENISO14971:2001
ENISO14971:2000 management to medical devices (ISO14971:2000)
CEN OJ2002/C182/06 Nomenclature - Specification for a BSENISO15225:2000
ENISO15225:2000 nomenclature system for medical devices for
the purpose of regulatory data exchange
CEN OJ2002/C314/06 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for _
EN61010-2-101:2002 measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-101: Particular requirements for in-vitro
diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment