Other Notices

2003-02-21TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk253781702/5711702/571
The Active Implantable Medical Devices Regulations

Standard Number/ Official Journal Title BS Adoptions
Issue date of Std Reference No.
CEN OJ95/C307/14 Clinical investigation of medical devices for BSEN540:1993
EN540:1993 humans
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Sterilisation of medical devices - Validation BSEN550:1994
EN550:1994 and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilisation
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Sterilisation of medical devices - Validation BSEN552:1994
EN552:1994 and routine control of sterilisation by irradiation
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Sterilisation of medical devices - Validation BSEN554:1994
EN554: 1994 and routine control of sterilisation by moist heat
CEN OJ95/C307/14 Sterilisation of medical devices - requirements BSEN556:1995
EN556:1994 for medical devices to be labelled sterile
CEN OJ97/C149/05 Packaging materials and systems for medical BSEN868-1:1997
EN868-1:1997 devices which are to be sterilised - Part 1:
General requirements and test methods
CEN OJ2000/C293/07 Graphical symbols for use in the labelling BSEN980:1997
EN980:1996 of medical devices (Amendment incorporated)
Amendment 1 1999
CEN OJ98/C268/03 Information supplied by the manufacturer BSEN1041:1998
EN1041:1998 with medical devices
CEN OJ96/C245/05 Sterilisation of medical devices - estimation BSEN1174-1:1996
EN1174-1:1996 of the population of micro-organisms on product -
Part 1: Requirements
CEN OJ97/C149/05 Sterilisation of medical devices - estimation BSEN1174-2:1997
EN1174-2:1996 of the population of micro-organisms on product -
Part 2: Guidance
CEN OJ97/C149/05 Sterilisation of medical devices - estimation BSEN1174-3:1997
EN1174-3:1996 of the population of micro-organisms on product -
Part 3: Guide to methods for validation of
microbiological techniques
CEN EN OJ98/C144/03 Medical devices - risk analysis. BSEN1441:1998
CEN OJ2003/C16/04 Biological evaluation of medical devices -
ENISO10993-4:2002 Part 4: Selection of tests for interactions
with blood (ISO10993-4:2002) Tests for irritation
and delayed-type hypersensitivity
CEN OJ2000/C293/07 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-7:1996
ENISO10993-7:1995 Part 7: Ethylene oxide sterilisation residuals
CEN OJ97/C149/05 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-10:1995
ENISO10993-10:1995 Part 10: Tests for irradiation and sensitisation
CEN OJ2003/C16/04 Biological evaluation of medical devices -
ENISO1 0993-10:2002 Part 10: Tests for irritation and delayed-type
hypersensitivity (ISO10993-10:2002)
CEN OJ97/C149/05 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-12:1997
ENISO1 0993-12:1996 Part 12: Sample preparation and reference
CEN OJ98/144/03 Biological evaluations of medical devices. BSENISO10993-16:1997
ENISO10993-16:1997 Part 16 Toxicokinetic study design for
degradation products and leachables.
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSEN30993-3:1994
EN30993-3:1993 Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity,
carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSEN30993-4:1994
EN30993-4:1993 Part 4 Selection of test for interactions with blood
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSEN30993-5:1994
EN30993-5:1993 Part 5 - Tests for cytotoxicity - in vitro methods
CEN OJ95/C307/14 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSEN30993-6:1995
EN30993-6:1994 Part 6 - Tests for local effects after implementation
CEN OJ97/C338/11 Biological evaluation of medical devices - BSENISO10993-11:1996
EN30993-11:1995 Part 11 tests for systemic toxicity
CEN OJ98/C268/04 Active implantable medical devices - Part 1: BSEN45502-1:1998
EN45502-1:1997 General requirements for safety, marking and
information to be provided by the manufacturer.
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Quality systems, medical devices - particular BSEN46001:1994
EN46001:1993 requirements for the application of EN29001/1992
CEN OJ96/C245/05 Quality systems, medical devices - particular BSEN46001:1997
EN46001: 1995 requirements for the application of EN29001
CEN OJ94/C277/06 Quality systems, medical devices - particular BSEN46002: 1992
EN46002:1993 requirements for the application of EN29002
CEN OJ96/C245/05 Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular BSEN46002: 1997
EN46002:1995 requirements for the application of EN29002
CEN / CENELEC OJ2000/C293/07 Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular BSEN46003:1999
EN46003:1999 requirements for the application of ENISO9003
CEN OJ96/C245/06 Guidance on the application of EN29001 and BSEN50103:1996
EN50103:1994 EN46001 and of EN29002 and EN46002 for the active (including active implantable) medical device industry
CENELEC OJ96/C245/06 Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: BSEN60601-1:1990
EN60601-1:1990 General requirements for safety BS5724-1:1989