Next of Kin
1999-02-202003-03-25G523LZDD21NUGlasgow CityDundee City-3.01109656.458475DD2 1NU-4.36738255.843198G52 3LZTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Next of Kin
James Robert Smith, deceased
Would any solicitor or other person having knowledge of the next-of-kin (or a will) of the above named who resided at 34 Crookston Drive, Glasgow, G52 3LZ, and who died on 20th February 1999, please contact John Justice, Legal Consultant & Notary Public, 7 West Park Road, Dundee, DD2 1NU (Telephone 01382-642652).