National Savings

2003-06-262003-06-27TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
2-year Fixed Interest National Savings Certificates – New Issue

19th Issue 2-year Fixed Interest Savings Certificates went on sale on 26th June 2003.

A Certificate will grow in value at a guaranteed rate each year as follows:

Year 1 2.05%
Year 2 2.46%

If a Certificate is held for two years, these rates will give a tax-free and guaranteed return equal to 2.25% pa compound.

5-year Fixed Interest National Savings Certificates – New Issue

69th Issue 5-year Fixed Interest Savings Certificates went on sale on 26th June 2003.

A Certificate will grow in value at a guaranteed rate each year as follows:

Year 1 2.20%
Year 2 2.30%
Year 3 2.50%
Year 4 2.70%
Year 5 3.06%

If a Certificate is held for five years, these rates will give a tax-free and guaranteed return equal to 2.55% pa compound.

3-year Index-linked National Savings Certificates – New Issue

1st Issue 3-year Index-linked Savings Certificates went on sale on 26th June 2003. The value of a Certificate will move in line with the rate of inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index (subject to the detailed rules set out in the terms and conditions), plus extra interest as follows:

Purchase Price + Index-linking + 0.30%% = 1st Anniver-
for year 1 Purchase Price sary Value
1st Anniver- + Index-linking + 0.45% of 1st = 2nd Anniver-
sary Value for year 2 Anniversary sary Value
2nd Anniver- + Index-linking + 0.61% of 2nd = Maturity
sary Value for year 3 Anniversary Value

If a Certificate is held for three years, these rates will give a tax-free and guaranteed return equal to 0.45% pa compound in addition to index-linking.

5-year Index-linked National Savings Certificates – New Issue

28th Issue 5-year Index-linked Savings Certificates went on sale on 26th June 2003.

The value of a Certificate will move in line with the rate of inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index (subject to the detailed rules set out in the terms and conditions), plus extra interest as follows:

Purchase Price + Index-linking + 0.30% of = 1st Anniver-
for year 1 Purchase Price sary Value
1st Anniver- + Index-linking + 0.50% of 1st = 2nd Anniver-
sary Value for year 2 Anniversary sary Value
2nd Anniver- + Index-linking + 0.70% of 2nd = 3rd Anniver-
sary Value for year 3 Anniversary sary Value
3rd Anniver- + Index-linking + 0.90% of 3rd = 4th Anniver-
sary Value for year 4 Anniversary sary Value
4th Anniver- + Index-linking + 1.11% of 4th = Maturity
sary Value for year 5 Anniversary Value

If a Certificate is held for five years, these rates will give a tax-free and guaranteed return equal to 0.70% pa compound in addition to index-linking.

National Savings and Investments Fixed Rate Savings Bonds – New Issues

New Issues of Fixed Rate Savings Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003 as shown in the table below. The rate of interest earned by a Bond will be determined by its capital value at any time - the original investment plus any interest added to the Bond less any repayments. The rate is determined by whether the interest is paid monthly or at maturity. Interest is paid net of tax.

Term Capital value Gross Annual Rates
of Bond Monthly Annual
interest option interest option
1-year £500 to £19,999.99 2.55% 2.60%
Issue 20 £20,000 to £49,999.99 2.70% 2.75%
£50,000 and above 2.90% 2.95%
3-year £500 to £19,999.99 2.85% 2.90%
Issue 13 £20,000 to £49,999.99 3.05% 3.10%
£50,000 and above 3.25% 3.30%
5-year £500 to £19,999.99 3.15% 3.20%
Issue 11 £20,000 to £49,999.99 3.30% 3.35%
£50,000 and above 3.45% 3.55%

National Savings and Investments Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds
1-year Term – New Series

Series 17 1-year Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003. The interest rate, fixed and guaranteed for the first year a Bond is held, is 2.90% pa gross. The interest is paid gross and is taxable.

National Savings and Investments Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds
2-year Term – New Series

Series 23 2-year Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003. The interest rate, fixed and guaranteed for the first two years a Bond is held, is 3.05% pa gross. The interest is paid gross and is taxable.

National Savings and Investments Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds
5-year Term – New Series

Series 32 5-year Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003. The interest rate, fixed and guaranteed for the first five years a Bond is held, is 3.45% pa gross. The interest is paid gross and is taxable.

National Savings and Investments Children’s Bonus Bonds – New Issue

Issue 7 Children’s Bonus Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003. For the first five years each £25 unit will earn interest at 2.50% pa compound. On the fifth anniversary of purchase it also earns a bonus of £0.98 (3.92% of purchase price). At these rates a Bond will earn a tax-free return equal to 3.20% pa compound over the first five years.

National Savings and Investments Capital Bonds – New Series

Series 11 Capital Bonds went on sale on 26th June 2003. A Bond will grow in value at a guaranteed gross rate each year as follows:

Year 1 2.90%
Year 2 3.20%
Year 3 3.50%
Year 4 3.80%
Year 5 4.11%

If a Bond is held for five years, these rates will give a guaranteed return equal to 3.50% pa compound. The interest is credited gross and is taxable.

Issued by National Savings and Investments

on behalf of the Treasury