Recall of Sequestration
Recall of sequestration
Dianbobo Balde
Notice is hereby given that a Petition was presented on 19 November 2009 to Hamilton Sheriff Court by Dianbobo Balde for Recall of Sequestration, in which petition Sheriff Waldron pronounced an interlocutor dated 20 November 2009, appointing the Petition to be intimated on the wall in common form and to be advertised once in The Edinburgh Gazette, granted warrant for service of the Petition craved, together with a copy of the said interlocutor upon the parties named and designed with the petition and allowed all parties claiming an interest to lodge Answers hereto, if so advised, within fourteen days after such intimation, advertisement and Service, all to which Notice is hereby given.
Watters, Steven & Co
291-293 Brandon Street, Motherwell ML1 1RS.
Agents for the Petititioner.