Recall of Sequestration
Recall of sequestration
Edinburgh Sheriff Court
Court Ref No SQ354/10
Petition for Recall of Sequestration
Sabrina Mirza
Notice is hereby given that on 21 April 2011 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff at Edinburgh Sheriff Court by Sabrina Mirza, sometime of 295 Milton Road East, Edinburgh EH15 2LA and currently residing at 45 Vandeleur Avenue, Edinburgh EH7 6UQ, for inter alia an order under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 for Recall of her Sequestration, in which petition the Sheriff at Edinburgh by Interlocutor dated 27 April 2011 inter alia appointed advertisement of the foregoing Petition in The Edinburgh Gazette and appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers thereto, if so advised, within 14 days after intimation, service and advertisement; all of which notice is hereby given.
Colin Hamilton, Solicitor
Gillespie Macandrew LLP, 5 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh EH3 8EJ
Agents for the Petitioner.