Appointment of Liquidators

1997-12-221998-01-08TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Numbers: 2612249, 1609133, 2188871. Names of Companies: GLOUCESTER PARK APARTMENTS LIMITED. Previous Name of Company: Bactonhurst Limited. THORNEY COURT APARTMENTS LIMITED. Previous Names of Company: Thorney Court Management Company Limited and Heedaural Limited. CHEVAL APARTMENTS LIMITED Nature of Business: Property Investment Companies. Type of Liquidation: Members. Address of Registered Office: Plumtree Court, London EC4A 4HT, formerly 150 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HX. Liquidators’ Names and Address: Timothy Richard Harris and Nigel Steven Hill, Plumtree Court, London EC4A 4HT. Office Holder Numbers: 2129 and 6355. Date of Appointment: 22nd December 1997. By whom Appointed: Members.