Amendment of Title of Proceedings
EPPELEIN, Stefan James, Freelance Spray Painter, of 1 St. Johns Villa, Argyle Terrace, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5JJ, lately of 11 Pathfields, Totnes, Devon, and lately carrying on business under the style of “Body Kraft”, as a Spray Painter, from The Stables, Ford Road, Totnes, Devon. Court—TORQUAY AND NEWTON ABBOT. No. of Matter—247 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—14th November 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 20th November 1997, under the description: Stefan James Eppelein, 1 St. Johns Villa, Argyle Terrace, Totnes, Devon, lately residing at 11 Pathfields, Totnes, and Ford Road, Totnes, and lately carrying on business as Bodycraft, Ford Road, Totnes, Devon. Occupation Spray Painter. Official Receiver—1st Floor, Cobourg House, Mayflower Street, Plymouth PL1 1DJ.