Amendment of Title of Proceedings
BOOTHBY, Richard Anthony, Shopkeeper, shown in the Bankruptcy Order as Richard Boothby, of Bunwell House, North Road, Bunwell, Norfolk, and lately carrying on business as Bunwell Country Store, The Street, Bunwell, Norfolk NR16 1RB. Court—NORWICH. No. of Matter—246 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—3rd November 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 11th November 1997, under the description: Richard Boothby, Shopkeeper, of Bunwell House, North Road, Bunwell, Norfolk, and carrying on business as Bunwell Stores, The Street, Bunwell, Norfolk NR16 1RB. Official Receiver—Emmanuel House, 2 Convent Road, Norwich NR2 1PA.