Appointment of Liquidators

1997-12-221998-01-14-1.54641953.792947LS1 4DWThe City of LeedsTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Number: 1960533. Name of Company: PROVIDENT MUTUAL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. Nature of Business: Property Development. Type of Liquidation: Members. Address of Registered Office: 1 The Embankment, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4DW. Liquidator’s Name and Address: Geoffrey Rouen Adams, KPMG, 1 The Embankment, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4DW. Office Holder Number: 5291. Date of Appointment: 22nd December 1997. By whom Appointed: Members.