Bankruptcy Orders
The Borough of Milton Keynes-0.69165052.018017MK7 7LS-0.80003052.044112MK8 8DD1998-01-151998-01-22MK77LSMK88DDTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
BUSLEY, Alison Jane, 4 Nutmeg Close, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes MK7 7LS, Cleaner, also carrying on business as Interpack Services, 101 Garamonde Drive, Wymbush, Milton Keynes MK8 8DD. Court—MILTON KEYNES. Date of Filing Petition—15th January 1998. No. of Matter—4 of 1998. Date of Bankruptcy Order—15th January 1998. Whether Debtor’s or Creditor’s Petition—Debtor’s. Official Receiver—Scottish Life House, 29 St. Katherines Street, Northampton NN1 2QZ.