Town and Country Planning
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Conservation Area Appraisal and Design Guide, Scaldwell Conservation Area
The District Council’s Planning Committee has resolved to invite comments on the draft
Conservation Area Appraisal and Design Guide prepared for the Scaldwell conservation
area as designated under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act
The Scaldwell Conservation Area Appraisal and Design Guide will seek to guide the
layout and design of development in this area. The adopted Local Plan expressly requires
development proposals to preserve or enhance the character of the conservation area.
This document is intended to record in some detail the special architectural or historic
interest which justified designation. Once adopted in its final form, the Conservation
Area Statement and Design Guide will be used as a basis for determining planning applications
submitted to the Council.
The District Council welcomes comments from any interested party on the draft document,
which should be made in writing not later than 20th February 1998, and addressed to
Planning Department, Daventry District Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, Northamptonshire
NN11 5AF.
The draft Scaldwell Conservation Area Appraisal and Design Guide can be inspected
at the offices in Lodge Road, Daventry, during normal office hours.
S. Bovey, Head of Planning