Amendment of Title of Proceedings
NOON, Terence John, unemployed, residing at Flat 6, 495 Buxton Road, Great Moor, lately at 31 Stratton Road, Offerton, and trading in partnership with another as Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, under the style Nooton Engineering, from Unit 10, Hurst Street, Hurstfield Industrial Estate, Reddish, all in Stockport, Greater Manchester. Court—STOCKPORT. No. of Matter—118 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—15th October 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 27th October 1997, under the description: Terence John Noon, of 31 Stratton Road, Offerton, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 5BA, trading at Unit 10, Hurstfield Industrial Estate, Hurst Street, Reddish, Stockport, Cheshire SK5 7BB, as an Engineer, as Nooton Engineering. Official Receiver—1st Floor, Boulton House, 17-21 Chorlton Street, Manchester M1 3HY.