Orders Annulling, Revoking or Rescinding Orders
In the Leeds County Court No. 205 of 1996
In the Matter of STEPHEN KEITH LYONS and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986
Before Mr. District Judge Gavin
Upon the Application of the Bankrupt, Stephen Keith Lyons. And upon hearing the Solicitor for the Bankrupt and upon reading a letter from the Petitioning Creditor. And upon reading the evidence of the Affidavit filed on behalf of the Bankrupt. It is ordered that the Bankruptcy Order dated the 17th November 1995, against Stephen Keith Lyons is hereby annulled. And it is ordered that the Petition filed on the 5th October 1995, be dismissed. And it is ordered that the Registration of the Petition at the Land Charges Department on the 9th October 1995, under Reference PA/28512/95 and the Bankruptcy Order on the Register of Writs and Orders affecting land at the Land Charges Department on the 22nd December 1995, under Reference No. 32114 be vacated upon application made by the Bankrupt. 13th November 1996.