Changes of Name
Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 10th December 1997 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of England and Wales on 15th January 1998, Rosalind Ellen Damario, on behalf of PHILIP DAVID JOHN HAILS DAMARIO and AMANDA ELLEN HAILS DAMARIO, of 8 Montrose Close, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, West Sussex BN12 4RR, minors, and British citizens by virtue of section 1(1) of the British Nationality Act 1981, abandoned the name of Philip David John Hails and Amanda Ellen Hails and assumed in lieu thereof the surname of Damario. Donne Mileham & Haddock, Ambrose Place, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1PZ, Solicitors for and on behalf of Philip David John Hails Damario and Amanda Ellen Hails Damario. 15th January 1998.