Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 19841998-03-301998-02-27TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Surrey County Council Sydenham Road/Oxford Road, Guildford (Temporary Traffic Regulation) Order 1998

Notice is hereby given that Surrey County Council intends, not less than 21 days from the date of this notice, to make an Order under sections 14(1) and 15(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be as follows:

  (a) to introduce one way working (south-west to north-east) along that section of Sydenham Road, Guildford, from its junction with Castle Square to its junction with Oxford Road;
  (b) to prohibit the left turn manoeuvre from Oxford Road into Sydenham Road; and
  (c) to suspend the existing waiting restrictions on that section of the north-western kerb-line of Sydenham Road, between its junction with Castle Square, and a point opposite the prolongation of the south-western kerb-line of Oxford Road.

  Emergency service vehicles and any vehicle being used upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Traffic Warden will be exempt from these restrictions.
  The Order is required on safety grounds to enable demolition/construction works to be undertaken in connection with the Sydenham Road Multi-Storey Car Park.
  The Order will come into effect on Monday, 30th March 1998, and may remain in force for as long as may be necessary to enable the works described above to be completed. It is anticipated that the period during which these restrictions will be in operation will be approximately twenty months.
  Alternative Route for south-west bound vehicular traffic: via Sydenham Road; Jenner Road; Harvey Road; Pewley Hill; South Hill; Castle Square.
H. B. Sutherland, Clerk and Solicitor, Guildford Borough Council, for and on behalf of the Highway Authority, Surrey County Council. (Ref. JA/421/852.)
Millmead House,
  Millmead, Guildford,
    Surrey GU2 5BB.
27th February 1998.