Town and Country Planning
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Conservation Area, Ditchingham
Notice is hereby given that the South Norfolk Council, in pursuance of its powers
under section 69 of the above Act has designated a Conservation Area in Ditchingham.
Accordingly, within this area:
(a) No building (with certain exceptions) may be demolished without Conservation
Area Consent first being obtained from South Norfolk Council.
(b) Notice must be given to the Council of any intention to fell, lop, uproot,
damage or destroy any tree over a certain size which is not already subject to a Preservation
Order, and there will be special control over advertisements.
(c) Any planning application for development which would affect the character or
appearance of the area must be advertised and opportunity given for representations
before it is determined.
Copies of the Conservation Area Plan have been deposited at the offices of the
South Norfolk Council Planning Department, South Norfolk House, Swan Lane, Long Stratton,
and may be inspected at any time during normal office hours.
South Norfolk House, Swan Lane,
Long Stratton, Norwich NR15 2XE.
The area includes the buildings and associated gardens to Nos. 1-33 Windmill Green,
12-14 Thwaite Road, 1-28 Scudamore Place and land to the north-west and Nos. 25-39
Hollow Hill Road.
27th February 1998.