Town and Country Planning
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Notice of Deposit of Proposals for a Local Plan
The Epsom and Ewell District-Wide Local Plan (Proposed Changes to the Deposit Draft)
Notice is hereby given that Epsom and Ewell Borough Council has prepared proposals
for the above-named local plan. If, and when, these plan proposals are adopted they
will form part of the development plan for the whole of the Borough of Epsom and Ewell.
The development plan forms the basis for decisions on land use planning affecting
that area.
Copies of the plan and the proposed changes are available for public inspection,
free of charge, at the Borough Council Offices, The Parade, Epsom, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday to Friday, and at the following libraries: Bourne Hall Library, Ewell; Epsom
Library, Waterloo Road, Epsom, until 4th April 1998; Stoneleigh Library, The Broadway,
Epsom, and The Library, Ewell Court House, Lakehurst Road, Ewell, during normal library
opening times.
Objections to, and representations in support of, the proposed changes, should
be sent in writing to the Borough Planning and Engineering Officer, Epsom and Ewell
Borough Council, Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BY, on or before 15th
April 1998. Objections and representations should specify the matters to which they
relate and the grounds on which they are made. They may also be accompanied by a request
to be notified at a specified address of the withdrawal, adoption, approval or rejection
of the proposals.
Forms for making objections to or comments in support of the proposed changes are
obtainable at the places where the documents are available for inspection.
Only objectors whose objections are made in writing and arrive at the address above
within the 6-week period ending on 15th April 1998, will have a right to have their
objections considered.
Further information is available from The Borough Planning and Engineering Officer,
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council, Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BY.
D. J. Smith, Town Clerk and Chief Executive 4th March 1998.