The District of Arun1998-03-281998-04-161998-06-26-0.51317550.802787BN16 2LF-0.37258950.811380BN11 1TPThe Borough of WorthingTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, Florence COSGROVE
Details of the deceased
- Claim expires:
- 26th June 1998
- Surname:
- First name:
- Catherine
- Middle name(s):
- Florence
- Date of death:
- 28th March 1998
Last address of the deceased
- Person address details:
- 2 Petworth Court, Rackham Road, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2LF. Widow.
Details of the Executor/Administrator
- Executor/Administrator:
- Naunton & Bradley, 1 Shelley Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1TP. (Robert Wingfield Naunton, Susan Roberta Robertson and Jennifer Catherine Boyle.)