Amendment of Title of Proceedings
FRATTAROLI, Thomas, Postal Relief Manager, of 35 Westwood Avenue, Blackpool, lately trading as Lytham Post Office at 17 b Park Street, Lytham, formerly at 82 Clifton Street, Lytham, all in Lancashire. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. of Matter—13 of 1998. Date of Bankruptcy Order—27th January 1998. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 4th February 1998, under the description: Thomas Frattaroli, unemployed, of 35 Westwood Avenue, Blackpool, and lately carrying on business as Lytham Post Office, 35 Park Street, Lytham, both in Lancashire. Official Receiver—Petros House, St. Andrews Road North, Lytham St. Annes FY8 2JB.