Notice of Intended Dividends
In the Croydon County Court No. 598 of 1995 JOHN DRAGONAS
Notice is hereby given, that it is my intention to declare a First and Final Dividend to Creditors of the above-named Debtor. Creditors who have not yet done so are required, on or before 30th April 1998, to prove their debts by sending to the undersigned K. M. Bradshaw, of 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 2AH, the Trustee to the Bankrupts, written statements of the amounts they claim to be due from the Bankrupts, and if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Trustee to be necessary. A Creditor who has not proved his Debt before the declaration of any Dividend is not entitled to disturb by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of the Dividend or any other Dividend declared before his debt was proved. The First and Final Dividend will be declared not later than 4 months from the last date of proving. K. M. Bradshaw, Trustee 20th March 1998.