Notice of Intended Dividends
STOREY, Clive Richard, unemployed, of 148 Earl Marshall Road, Sheffield S4 8LB, and lately carrying on business as Kats Retroclothing at Market Stall No. 4, Setts Market, Sheffield, and Moorfoot Craft Market, Sheffield, as a Second Hand Clothing Retailer. A Final Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter within 4 months of 7th May 1998. Any Creditor who has not yet lodged a proof of debt in the above matter must do so by 7th May 1998, or will be excluded from this Dividend. Name of Trustee and Address—Geoffrey A. Gee, Grant Thornton, St. Johns Centre, 110 Albion Street, Leeds LS2 8LA. G. A. Gee, Trustee 17th April 1998.