Resolutions for Winding-up

1998-04-091998-04-30-0.10543251.515459EC4A 4TRThe City and County of the City of LondonTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

At an Extraordinary General Meeting of TRT Apool Finance Limited, duly convened, and held on 9th April 1998, the following Resolutions were duly passed, as a Special Resolution and as an Ordinary Resolution respectively:   “That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that James Robert Drummond Smith and Nicholas James Dargan, of Stonecutter Court, 1 Stonecutter Street, London EC4A 4TR, be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company.” G. S. Rice, for and on behalf of Henderson Secretarial Services Limited.