Bankruptcy Orders

1998-04-231997-08-011998-05-01TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

BION, Chris, address unknown, trading at Exchange Court, 26 Exchange Street East, Liverpool, Merseyside L2 3YJ, as a Manager of an Advertising Marketing Firm, as The Chris Bion Agency. Court—HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Date of Filing Petition—1st August 1997. No. of Matter—7191 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—23rd April 1998. Whether Debtor’s or Creditor’s Petition—Creditor’s. Official Receiver—2nd Floor, Cunard Building, Pier Head, Liverpool L3 1DS.