Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

1998-08-011998-05-26EC4P4EPThe London Borough of Islington-0.11206251.524505EC4P 4EPTrustee Act 1925TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice is given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, that the Salvation Army Retirement Benefits Scheme (the Scheme”) is being wound up. The Trustees of the Scheme are most anxious to trace all former employees of the Salvation Army and their beneficiaries who are, or think they may be, entitled to benefits under the Scheme. Any person who has, or may have, any claim, entitlement or interest in the Scheme is required to provide written particulars of any such claim, entitlement or interest to The Trustees, Salvation Army Retirement Benefits Scheme, Salvation Army, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4P 4EP, prior to 1st August 1998. After this date, the Trustees will distribute the assets of the Scheme, having regard only to claims, entitlements and interest of which they have prior written notice and will not be liable in repsect of any person whose claims have not been notified to them in writing prior to 1st August 1998.    Note . This does not include beneficiaries of the Salvation Army Employees Pension Fund, (the Fund”) formerly known as the Clerical Staff Pension Fund or the Salvation Army Officers Pension Fund as these funds are unaffected.