Town and Country Planning
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Designation of Conservation Area
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of section 69 of the
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1900 (“the 1990 Act”), Wealden
District Council has by a Resolution passed on 17th March 1998, designated the area
within the village of Wadhurst, as referred to on Schedule I hereto, as a Conservation
This designation replaces the earlier designated Conservation Area which is hereby
cancelled. The special architectural and historic interest of the Area, the character
and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve and enhance is set out in a new
Designation Report, published by Wealden District Council, and supersedes the earlier
1971 Designation Report.
The main effects of designation are as follows:
(a) Consent is necessary from Wealden District Council as Local Planning Authority
to totally or partially demolish any building, gate, fence, wall or other means of
enclosure within a Conservation Area, subject to certain exceptions.
(b) Application for planning permission for development which would in the opinion
of the Local Planning Authority, affect the character or appearance of a Conservation
Area must be advertised in accordance with section 73 of the 1990 Act.
(c) In addition, section 211 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires
that at least 6 weeks written notice is given to the Local Planning Authority of an
intention to carry out work on any tree (other than a tree which is already subject
of a Tree Preservation Order) in a Conservation Area, subject to certain exceptions.
Full details of the scope of the above-mentioned exceptions may be obtained from
the Planning Department at Wealden District Council.
A plan defining the boundary of the Conservation Area, together with the Designation
Report is available for inspection at the District Council Offices, Pine Grove, Crowborough,
during normal office hours.
D. R. Holness, Chief Executive Council Offices,
Pine Grove, Crowborough.
The area comprising the centre of Wadhurst village encompasses the area around The
Walk and Hill House, including Braidwood, all properties along the High Street and
Crittles Court to the south, properties at the north end of Washwell Lane, all properties
along Church Street, the area around the Church and Churchyard, all properties around
St. James’ Sqaure, and all properties along the Lower High Street up to and including
Wesley House.
29th May 1998.