Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Trustee Act 1925, Section 27
Pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, notice is given that the Electropaint Limited Retirement Benefits Scheme (final salary pension scheme) (“the Scheme”), is winding-up. The Scheme was operated by Electropaint Limited. Electropaint Limited is trading at Shire House, Birmingham Road, Lichfield WS14 9BW. Anyone, including former part-time employees having any claim against or claim to be beneficially interested in the assets of the Scheme, are required to send their names, addresses and reasons for their claim in writing to the Trustees of the Scheme, c/o Ms D. Crookes, at Electropaint Limited, Shire House, Birmingham Road, Lichfield WS14 9BW, on or before 1st September 1998. After this date, the Trustees will proceed to distribute the remaining assets of the Scheme amongst the persons entitled to them, and will have regard only to the claims of which it has notice. The Trustees shall not be liable to any person whose claims or demands have not been received by the Trustees. Notification is not required from persons who are currently in receipt of a pension from the Scheme, or who have received correspondence relating to the Scheme from Electropaint Limited. The Trustees of the Electropaint Limited, Pension, Widows’ Pension and Life Insurance Scheme. 15th June 1998.