Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

Trustee Act 19251998-06-15TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

(including Pee Cee Mechanical & Electrical Limited, W. T. Porter & Company Limited, Gwent Electrical & Mechanical Limited, Stanley Refrigeration and all Kenyon Group Companies).

Trustee Act 1925, Section 27

Notice is hereby given to parties who are or were members of the Kenyon Group Pension and Staff Benefits Scheme that the Scheme is to be wound up. It is believed that all members of the Scheme and their benefits under it have been identified and the Trustees announce their intention to distribute the assets of the Scheme to those who appear to be entitled. If you are a member of this Scheme and believe you may be entitled to benefits from it and you have not been contacted by Burges Salmon, Solicitors for the Independent Trustee or London & Manchester Assurance Company Limited, please post notification of your claim specifying your full name, address and particulars of your membership of the Scheme to Mrs. C. E. Bewley, Burges Salmon, Narrow Quay House, Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4AH, so as to reach that address on or before August 1998. The Trustee would also be interested to receive a notification from any person who was employed by the Kenyon Group on a part-time basis. Claims received after the above date will be excluded from the calculation of benefits in the distribution of assets of the Scheme. June 1998.