Town and Country Planning

1997-06-091998-06-25Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

Notice is hereby given that the London Borough of Greenwich, “the Council”, being the local planning authority for their area, and pursuant to their powers under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, on 9th June 1997, at the Planning and Development Executive Sub-Committee, resolved to designate an extension to the Royal Arsenal Conservation Area, the boundaries of which are shown in the plan, being an area of special architectural or historic interest the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.   The effect of the designation of this extension to the conservation area is that the demolition of buildings and structures, or works to trees, are only allowed with the prior consent of the local planning authority. Certain permitted development rights are also restricted.   A copy of the map defining the boundaries, together with the Sub-Committee report and resolution, may be inspected during normal office hours at the offices of Greenwich Planning, John Humphries House, Stockwell Street, Greenwich SE10 9JN. If you have any enquiries you may contact the Conservation Officer on 0181 854 8888, extension 3713/3714.   Description of Boundaries:     Starting at the north-west corner of existing conservation area by the Warren Lane entrance, the boundary line of the extension follows the western wall to the Roayl Arsenal site northwards parallel with Ship and Half Moon Passage until it reaches the river’s edge. From here it turns eastwards and follows the line of the river wall up to the eastern boundary wall of the Royal Arsenal site at the recess in the river wall, where it then turns south-eastwards. It then turns west along the centre line of Marlborough Road up to the junction with Argyll Road where it turns south along the centre line to this road. At the junction with Cadogan Road it then turns eastwards and follows the centre line between Cadogan Road and Hardinge Street past the Armstrong Gun Factory, and then turns southwards and westwards along the centre-line to the latter road up to the junction with Anglesey Street. Crossing this junction it then travels west and south-west along the centre-line of Hastings Street up to the junction with Wellington Avenue. It crosses this junction into Essex Street and then turns eastwards in front of Building 7 and along the centre-line to Skeffington Street to the junction with Seymour Street. It crosses eastwards at this junction and then south-eastwards around Middlegate House where it meets the south-east corner of the Royal Arsenal site. The line then turns westwards and follows the southern boundary wall to the site along Plumstead Road and finally joins the boundary of the original conservation area in its south-eastern corner, near Verbruggen’s House. Fritz Henning, General Manager, Greenwich Planning 25th June 1998.