Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

1998-09-231998-11-011998-12-041982-10-131975-01-011998-10-02EC4V6HDThe London Borough of Islington-0.11206251.524505EC4V 6HDTrustee Act 1925TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Trustee Act 1925, Section 27

Pursuant to Section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, notice is hereby given that all Creditors, Members, Beneficiaries and others having any claim against it, or claiming to be beneficially interested or entitled to membership of, the Delandale Retirement Benefits Scheme or the fund constituted under it (formerly the Delandale Laboratories Limited Retirement Benefits Scheme, which was established with effect from 1st January 1975 and is now governed by a Trust Deed and Rules dated 13th October 1982), are required to send particulars in writing to the Trustees of the Scheme, c/o Rowe & Maw, 20 Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6HD, on or before 4th December 1998 (not 1st November 1998 as stated in the previous notice published on 23rd September 1998), after which date the Trustees will proceed to distribute the assets of the Scheme amongst the persons entitled to them having regard only to the claims or demands of which they then have notice.      Note. Members of the Scheme who received a letter from the Trustees dated May 1998 advising them of their benefit entitlement under the Scheme need not reply to this notice.