Changes of Name

0.05514351.533357E6 2JTThe London Borough of Newham1998-12-111998-11-271999-01-11E62JTTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 27th November 1998 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 11th December 1998, MARK ANTHONY RICHARDSON (formerly known as Mark Anthony Scott), of 76 Langdon Crescent, East Ham, London E.6, in the county of Greater London, a Bachelor and a British citizen by virtue of section 11 of the British Nationality Act 1991, abandoned the surname of Scott.
Norman H. Barnett & Co., 397 Barking Road, East Ham, London E6 2JT, Solicitors for the said Mark Anthony Richardson.
11th December 1998.