Changes of Name
Notice is now given that by a Deed Poll dated 7th December 1998 and enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court on 20th January 1999, RACHEL ADELE SUZANNAH MORTIMER-RICHARDSON, of 33 Grange Avenue, Dogsthorpe, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 4HH, a spinster and British citizen under the British Nationality Act 1981 Section 1, has assumed and adopted and intends henceforth upon all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the forename of Suzannah in addition to the forenames of Rachel Adele and has assumed and adopted and intends henceforth upon all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the surname of Richardson in addition to the surname of Mortimer so as to be at all times thereafter called, known and described by the name of Rachel Adele Suzannah Mortimer-Richardson. Buckle Mellows, Solicitors, 45-51 Priestgate, Peterborough PE1 1LB. 20th January 1999.