Meetings of Creditors
GOLD STAR (NATURAL FRUIT JUICES) LIMITEDNotice is hereby given, in pursuance of section 48 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that a Meeting of the Creditors of the above-named Company will be held at 1 Norfolk Street, Manchester M2 1DW, on Friday, 9th April 1999, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of having an account laid before them, showing the events leading up to the appointment of the Joint Administrative Receivers, the manner in which the administrative receivership has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Joint Administrative Receivers. A copy of the report is available, free of charge, on written request to the Joint Administrative Receivers at Gold Star (Natural Fruit Juices) Limited, in Administrative Receivership, Arthur Andersen, Bank House, 9 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4EU. Creditors whose claims are wholly secured are not entitled to attend or be represented at the Meeting. A person is entitled to vote at the Meeting only if: (1) he has given to the Joint Administrative Receivers, not later than 12 noon, on 8th April 1999, details in writing of the debt that he claims to be due to him from the Company, and the claim has been duly admitted; (2) there has been lodged with the Joint Administrative Receiver, any proxy which the Creditor intends to be used on his behalf. S. Allport and R. D. Fleming, Joint Administrative Receivers 18th March 1999.(512)