Change of Name and/or Arms

1961-03-201999-03-091999-04-15TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

College of Arms

Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AT 9th March 1999 The Queen has been graciously pleased to give and grant unto The Chartered Institute of Marketing Her Majesty’s Royal Licence and Authority that it may bear and use the Arms, Crest and Supporters granted and assigned unto The Institute of Marketing and Sales Management by Letters Patent under the hands and Seals of Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy and Ulster Kings of Arms bearing date the Twentieth day of March 1961: the said Arms, Crest and Supporters being first duly exemplified according to the Laws of Arms and recorded in Her Majesty’s College of Arms: otherwise the said Royal Licence and Permission to be void and of none effect. And to signify Her Royal Will and Pleasure that the said Royal Concession and Declaration be recorded in Her Majesty’s College of Arms.